Is Green Hosting The Future of the Web? Today approximately 125 Million websites around the world are running with electricity, to start-up and to cool down their server. Experts cited that the energy consumption by web hosts will continue to rapidly double in every 5 years, conversely some of the green bloggers actually believe that this will get doubled every 2 years or so. As the global websites continue to grow in both size and quantity, energy consumption to support these websites will grow exponentially. This growing trend on how millions of websites are gobbling up more and more electricity will further jeopardize the atmosphere on the earth that we are living in now. The degree of pollution has elevated and this is causing serious problems to the earth and all the living things dwelling on it. Things won't get better if we just sit and wait. We need to instill the importance of "green hosting" into our culture if we love the earth that we are living in to be well preserved for our next generations. Then Green Hosting is probably one of the most critical paths we need to endure in web hosting as we move forward. A green web host does not demand electricity like the rest of the web host around the world. Rather than using electricity as the energy, they opt for something new while at the same time natural and kind to the environmental. The highly talked about new energy source of tomorrow will be solar power, hydro-electric power, bio-fuels, wind power and earth energy. All these are natural resources which are available to us to generate the energy that we need. As for cooling purposes, a green host will go with the option of having cold water flushed through a specially designed system to cool their server rooms, instead of running on the coolers which needs electricity. United States of America is leading the world by proving to the world as of how businesses can be conducted online by utilizing the green sources of energy to support their servers, in place of electricity. This great example shared by a great Global leader will potentially lead many others to come together to save our earth which is seriously being polluted and dwindled resources. A green web host is committed to safe-guard the longevity of our clean environment by deploying green technology in starting-up our servers, operate our offices, run our websites with the key objective of saving energy. By going green, you get to automatically ranked above your competitors, for the valuable contribution and support that you have shown to preserve the healthy environment for the society. A green web hosting is different than the traditional web hosting for it is a web host who emphasize largely on eco-friendly services and energy-effective alternative sources of energy from solar, wind, water dams etc which does not damage the environment as much as the old energy sources did. Many companies today are keen in selecting a green web hosting due to the environmental benefits which they will be getting.
About the Author: When you are searching for web hosting, reverse researching is important where you should find out the complaints about the host. Which field they are weak in? What mistake they always do? This can give you a clear picture on their performance. For more information, check out webhosting reviews. Darren is a full time web developer attached with a web hosting company. |
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