Make Money Online With Free Tools I am sure that most of us would like to make money online. Well, if you did your research well, you will find out that there are actually a number of ways to make money from the internet. Make your decision to start your online business after you really understand the potential, the costs and the tools you need to start your business. I have been wondering, can we start make money online with free tools. The answer is yes, but certainly there are limitations to these freebies. Well, let us discuss.. this should be interesting. Well, to start with you need a website or a blog site. Well, there are so many free website or blog site that you can find in the internet. One of the free website that I actually subscribe to is Registration is rather simple and you can start building your first website in a jiffy. The same goes with other free websites services like and You will also get an option to get paid services. So, it really up to you, if you have the money go for the paid services as the services are usually better. For blogs, you can register with or If you prefer to build your website or blogs using the site builder as provided together with the free website, then go ahead. The process will be as easy as opening a website, configure, writing something and you will get your website published within minutes of registration. But, if you would like to build your own website using your own ideas then you can get My Free Website Builder or you can get NVU to start with. If you are into getting your own graphics in your website, you might want to use a free but powerful graphic software called that you can get from You can also get free domain names. Well, you will get some unattractive domain name (but it all depends on taste), not the usual and more attractive or, but it is a start. When you're ready you can always get a domain name from or Remember, a domain name will always give you credibility if you do it right. As for auto responders, can be an option. However, there are other websites out there offering free auto responder service. Be resourceful, get other free auto responders too, make comparisons and choose the best auto responder. Please remember that you need to learn how to put the opt-in form provided by the auto responder. It should be there in the help section. If this option is not available then you should find a free auto responder that provides this option. Now that your website is ready and equipped with auto responder, you will now be able to put whatever you want to market. How you do it is really up to you but I recommend you find a good product with good commissions from, Commission Junction or any other sites that offer such schemes. Once you have chosen the product for whatever reasons that fits you, make some review about the product in your site but do not put the hoplink (you will get a hoplink from for the product you have chosen), instead make a link to a your squeeze page (a web page that only introduces the product to create interest to your visitors). A good squeeze page should introduce the product well enough to create interest, the Clickbank hoplink for the product and an opt-in form (from your auto responder). Why an opt-in form? Well, at least if they do not buy the product you will get their email addresses and this actually means that you are starting to build your list. What good is a list? Well, you can sell future products to them. You can also add AdSense codes in your websites via the various widgets available to get more money from your websites. You will actually earn for each click that your visitor made to each Google Ads that appears in your website. Given the right keywords that attracts good Google advertisement, you should get a decent amount of money from Google AdSense. I should remind you, however, that your biggest task will be getting traffic to your website or all your hard work will only be useless. How you get traffic to your website is a subject by itself.
About the Author: The tips that I reveal should actually get you started in making money from the internet. By all means try as it would not cost you that much in fact its all free. Building an online business is actually very interesting as you can start it without incurring any costs at all. Good luck and all the best. |
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